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The Truth Behind BigRazor and Increasing Trends in Body Hair Removal

The truth behind #BigRazor  and more women and girls shaving more of their body hair is fairly easy to see. As large public corporations, Gillette and Shick, need to keep increasing profits to satisfy their shareholders.  But there's a massive force pulling the other way. Our aging population continues to decrease their market (women and men).  If  #BigRazor  doesn't make a significant change to what they're doing, they'll need to continue to raise prices to keep increasing profits.  They wouldn't last long with that strategy. Even if their market was naturally increasing, it's much easier to increase profits by making women think they need to shave even more body parts, particularly those which are exposed more and thus need to be shaved more often like arms and faces, rather than to innovate. So they need to make you think that shaving your legs, armpits and even privates is not enough.  That your fuzziness isn't attractive .  They've taken a
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Most Celebrities Don't Shave More Than You

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Celebrities that Proudly Showoff Their Fuzziness

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A Beauty Regimen That Will Save You Money

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Should I Shave My Arm Hairs?

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